As of June 1st, 2025, our company, NINJA CONSTRUCTIONS, will being work on the Suva Street bridge in Downey CA. We estimate construction to be finished in early February 2026. We will work around any concerns people may have about this project and will provide the neccesary resources to counteract potential concerns. We assure the Downey community that this operation will be conducted safely and as quickly as possible. Thank you for your cooperation.


Cost Efficient

Our designs and models are cost-efficient and we never cut corners. We work with top of the line products and only hire the best of the best. We promise that you're money is well spent when you work with us.

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Our materials are eco-friendly and we never use any harmful PAHs. We ensure all products used are environmentaly friendly and that our labor is ethically sourced and paid justly.

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Working Quicky

We promise that we will finish our projects in a timely manner, while never rushing our work. We will work efficiently and never prioritize profits over our valued customers.

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Our company is very transparent and we will answer any questions given. We will do everything in our power to ensure that the communities we work in are always in safe hands.

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